Landscape 8 Program
This carefully planned program nurtures your landscape through every season, promoting stronger plants, healthier growth, and lasting beauty. It’s the complete solution for maintaining vibrant, thriving outdoor spaces without the hassle.
Are the plants around your home looking a little drab? Or are you tired of spending hours working on your landscape every weekend only to come out the next day and find your beautiful plants have been attacked by insects? Get vibrant and healthy plants with the help of our Landscape 8 Program!
Root Feeding
The first step in our program is a root feeding for all the plants in your landscape. Our lawn technicians use a special probe to shoot liquid fertilizer into the root system of each plant. Unlike many lawn care companies, our liquid fertilizer uses live bacteria. These good bacteria help your plants absorb nutrients more easily and stimulate growth and flowering. Root feeding gives your plants bigger and brighter blooms and healthy, darker green leaves.
We perform the root feeding twice a year – once in the spring, and once in the fall. Ideally, we will do the first root feeding at the beginning of March before the plants wake up for the spring.
This helps give them a jump start on growing and blooming when the weather turns warm, like drinking a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. The second root feeding usually takes place around late October or November to give your plants sufficient food to make it through the harsh winter.
Monthly Spray
Once the first root feeding is done, our lawn technicians will begin a series of monthly sprays to protect your plants from various insects. In the spring we will help your plant defend against pests like aphids and spider mites, while in the summer we turn our focus more on fighting back against beetles and bagworms.
Here in the Tri-State, we frequently have problems with lace bugs on azaleas and other flowering plants. These insects like to suck all of the chlorophyll out of your plants, which turns the leaves brown and leaves your landscape looking unhealthy. To combat these nasty pests, we use a special method that involves drenching the plant and spraying the leaves with a treatment that keeps lace bugs away.
Beginning in April, our experienced lawn technicians will apply the plant-protecting spray every 4 weeks until September. This ensures there are no gaps in coverage that allow fast breeding insects to sneak in and damage your plant. If you notice a problem between treatments, our technicians will come out and reapply the treatment or correct the problem as necessary, free of charge to customers who are part of our Landscape 8 Program.
Maximum Benefit
For our customers that are part of our automatic renewal program, we will begin scheduling the first root treatment at the beginning of March. While we recommend starting the Landscape 8 Program in early spring to maximize the benefits to your landscape, you can start the program any time during the year if you notice problems with your plants.